Aaron Art

I have been doing embroidery for more than halve a century.
In the course of the years I’ve started creating more and more of my own designs.
My eldest son Niels came up with the idea to share my designs with the world via a website.
In 2010 he build the first website for Aaron Art.
It was mostly a site to simply view the designs and the site was not very easy to find.
In this fast digital age it was quickly considered old.
The time had come for a new look.

A couple of important changes:
– De patters can now be ordered in PDF format.
– De prices of these PFD-patterns a lot lower than before because there are no printing and shipping costs involved.
– This whole process is automated, so ordered patterns can be shipped even when I am on holidays.
– More payments methods have been added.
– The layout of all patterns have been checked and improved where it was necessary.

I hope that this site is easier to find and use in this new form.
Aaron Art is still a “one-woman” company.
The designing and embroidering of the designs costs a lot time, which I spend on it with a lot of love.
Sometimes it will take a while for a new pattern to appear on the site.
The most important part of this website is to share my love of embroidery with the world and getting in contact with likeminded people.

I would like to thank:
Niels Baptist, the initiator of the website and the creator of the first version.
Stefan Lightfoot for translating the text to English.
Vincent Verwoolde, my partner, for his patience and support with every aspect of my embroidery activities.