Vincent D


Geometric cross-stitch pattern with 4 colours.
More information you can read below.
This is a PDF pattern.


Vincent A to G are geometrical cross-stitch patterns.
Embroidering these patterns I have used several different types of yarn.
The number of colours used in each pattern is very limited.
You can embroider the pattern with your own favorite, fabric, type of yarn and colours.
In the description you will find some examples with alternative colours.
These are very nice patterns if, for a change, you want to embroider something without a lot of counting
If you get very enthusiastic, consider to buy pattern Vincent A,B,C,D,E,F,G for it contains all the 7 Vincent patterns.

Pattern information

Size: 104 x 104 cross-stitches circa 17 x 17 cm
Fabric: Belfast 12 threads/cm Colour: Platinum 30 x 30 cm
Used thread: Tentakulum Au Ver à Soie-Soie d’Alger
Amount of Colours: 4
Kind of stitches: Full and quarter cross-stitches
Year of design: 2009
Amount of pages: 6
PDF size: 506kB
A4 and Letter are both included in the order.

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