This cross-stitch pattern is about balance, live and symbolism. The first balloon carries the signs of the sky, sun, moon and stars. The second of fire and luck, hearts, four-leaved clover and flames. The third of air, clouds, birds and ladybirds. The fourth of the earth, trees, tortoises and grass. The fifth of water and hope, anchors, fish and waves. The sixth of the belief, cross and the yin yang sign. The seventh carries the future.
All translated in cross-stitches and back stitches.
Pattern information
Size: 348 x 272 cross-stitches circa 63 x 49 cm
Fabric: Jobelan 11 threads/cm Colour: White 85 x 70 cm
Used thread: DMC
Amount of Colours: 41
Kind of stitches: Cross-stitches and back stitches
Year of design: 1993
Amount of pages: 18
PDF size: 301kB
A4 and Letter are both included in the order.